
Forncett Village Hall: Low Road, Forncett St Mary, Norfolk NR16 1JG

Village Hall Lettings Information

Written by Brian Frith.

Click the appropriate link to see information in connection with lettings.  For any queries, please contact Chairman, Brian Frith on 01953 789882 or 07963 432046

Village Hall Bookings Calendar

Written by Brian Frith.

This calendar is updated regularly and can be used to check availability of the Hall. For the time being bookings should be made by phoning 01953 789882 or 07963 432046 (or email by clicking 'Bookings' on the Village Hall Committee page).

Please note that the times listed are not necessarily the start times of the 'events'; there is often half an hour (or more) preparation time.  Please check with organisers if in doubt.

Click the link below to see the full page diary for the current month (or click the tabs to get the week or a list view - 'agenda')

Village Hall Bookings Calendar

For further information on events throughout the Village and local area, try looking on the 'coming events' list on the main menu or contact the organisers.

Summer BBQ event

Written by Brian Frith.

Saturday July 1st 2023 was the date for our annual summer BBQ with Bar, Teas and Cakes, Stalls and Music

Stalls from WI, Friends of St Peters (who also provided the 'tea and cakes'), History Group, Wreningham Church and wood-worker Sarah.

Along with a few games, the whole event provided fundraising opportunities for several different groups.

Thanks to Dick and Sandy Barnes for permission to use their meadow behind St Mary's Church for parking and to everyone who helped set up the site, ensure everything went to plan and clear away at the end.

Photos taken by Phil Whiscombe (unless otherwise indicated) and reproduced here with his permission

Click the image below for the slideshow

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Advertising poster

'Welcome Back' BBQ and Bar at the Village Hall

Written by Brian Frith.

Sunday 12th September 2021: 1 to 4 pm

We are looking forward to seeing lots of people at the Village Hall for our first 'get together' since the Covid restrictions were relaxed. The usual BBQ fare will be provided, along with alcoholic and soft drinks, all at special celebration prices. There will be a few stalls and games, along with music, to keep us entertained.

If your group would like a stall, at no charge, to promote your group or sell your items, then please phone 01953 789882.

Fingers crossed for good weather but the Village Hall will be open, along with a marquee, just in case ....

Proposed new Constitution for Forncett Village Hall

Written by Brian Frith.

The Village Hall was 'founded' in 1952.  The Trust Deed from that date has, over the years, become out of date and the Trustees ('The Management Committee') have been working to develop a new constitution more relevant to the present situation.  

Please note that, under Charity Commission rules, the Objects of the Charity remain the same, but this new Constitution proposes revision of the make-up of the Committee, period of office etc.

A special public meeting will be held on Tuesday 27th February 2018, starting at 7.30pm in Forncett Village Hall, where the following motion will be proposed: 

RESOLVED, pursuant to section 280 of the Charities Act 2011, to replace the 1952 constitution of the charity with the 2018 constitution set out below* with effect from 1st April 2018 - and to note that the objects of the charity are unchanged.

*Copies of the proposed new constitution will be available

  • at the meeting or
  • in advance of the meeting by phoning 01953 789882, or
  • on the '' website ( ) here
  • via the link on Forncett Village Hall Facebook page

The original (1952) Constitution can be downloaded here

All members of the Public are invited to attend this meeting to ask questions about the proposed changes and contribute to the discussion before the existing Trustees vote on the proposal.

Quiz and Curry (Trophy Quiz) Nov 2017

Written by Brian Frith.

Presentation of the Trophy by Quiz Hosts, John and Jo 
Photos by Su Leavesley
Click on pic for slideshow

Our Annual Village Trophy Quiz on 11th November saw 11 teams (a 'sell out') battling it out for the coveted trophy in a quiz devised and presented by John and Jo Percival.  With a curry meal (no less than 8 options!) in the break and the usual well-stocked bar, even seemed to enjoy the evening.  The eventual winners were 'The Readers', who came out on top after a tie break with 'Normans for Norfolk' - decided by a taxing question about the date Cadbury's Flake was first produced!  Thanks to all who supported the event by joining teams, making the curries, helping serve, running the raffle, manning the bar etc., etc.  We couldn't do it without you!