Forncett Flyer 2016

The Forncett Flyer, village newspaper for the Forncetts, is published monthly, except for September and January, and is an independent publication, paid for by Forncett Parish Council and by the local advertisers contained in it. It is produced by an editorial team consisting of Su Leavesley, April Carlin and Graham Gale.


There is an index to all Flyer issues up to end of June 2014 - Forncett Flyer Index


Forncett Flyer October 2016
 3.3 MB

Forncett Flyer August 2016
 3.36 MB

Forncett Flyer July 2016
 5.28 MB

Forncett Flyer June 2016
 3.4 MB

Forncett Flyer May 2016
 3.55 MB

Forncett Flyer April 2016
 3.46 MB

Easter already and it still cold; never mind, just curl up in the warm and read the latest news, views and forthcoming events from Forncett and the surrounding area.

The diary dates on the front page show just what a wealth of activities there are on offer in the next few weeks, including an intriguing mention of TAFRA; this stands for Tacolneston and Forncett Recreation Association, and is a new group of young mums dedicated to fund raising to improve the play area at Tacolneston (and Forncett End – to give it its proper name) Village Hall. So get out your shoulder pads and leg warmers for an 80’s night at the Jolly Farmers (see back page).

There are a couple of major weekends coming up, firstly Forncett St. Peter Church Spring Flower Festival, where all sorts of things will be happening; music, poetry songs and a concert; refreshments too. That’s at the end of April and on page 12

The other weekend is Diggers & Dibblers’s Open Gardens event, with art exhibition and open churches; page 11 and happening in July.

There have been two burglaries in Forncett over the past week which didn’t make it into the Forncett Flyer; details have gone out on the E-notice board, so if you are not registered for that, contact me and I will include you on the list. (unsubscribing is just one click – if you get tired of it).

Happy Easter, and don’t eat too many chocolate eggs!

Forncett Flyer March 2016
 2.95 MB

Forncett Flyer February 2016
 3.19 MB