Forncett's Public Footpaths (PROW)
We are very fortunate in Forncett to have over 30 Public Footpaths forming a network which covers all areas of our village.
The ultimate responsibilty for the Public Footpaths (Public Rights of Way - PROW) lies with Norfolk County Council Highways, but following severe financial cutbacks over recent years, it is increasingly the case that, if Parishes wish to keep their paths clear enough to be used by the general public, there will need to be close cooperation between the local residents, landowners and the Highways department to get the best from the limited resources available. A small team of volunteers from Forncett try to keep paths as accessible as possible by mowing and trimming back hedging. Issues such as missing or broken signs, damaged bridges, steps etc are reported to the County Council by our volunteer Keith Fromings ( ). It sometimes takes a while before NCC get round to doing the jobs, but they usually get sorted in the end!
Other menu items in this section give access to a map showing the locations and numbers of our footpaths (necessary to report problems) and links to advice from Norfolk County Council and other sources giving information about the rules and regulations, and the rights and responsibilities of all concerned.
Please use and enjoy the paths - that's the best way to keep them open and usable. It's particularly useful if you get into the habit of taking secateurs with you to trim off long 'brambles' which quickly obstruct a path, especially in the autumn. Please keep dogs on leads and clear up after them, to keep the paths hazard free for all users.
Maintenance of footpaths across agricultural land is the responsibilty of the landowner, with certain rules about width of paths and reinstatement, as detailed in the guidance listed in the documents referred to above. Reports of problems can be made via the NCC web-site.