Forncett Flyer 2012

The Forncett Flyer, village newspaper for the Forncetts, is published monthly, except for September and January, and is an independent publication, paid for by Forncett Parish Council and by the local advertisers contained in it. It is produced by an editorial team consisting of Su Leavesley, April Carlin, Terry Henderson, and Jackie Bowers.

There is an index to all Flyer issues up to end 2013 - Forncett Flyer Index


Forncett Flyer December 2012
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Here’s the Christmas edition of the Forncett Flyer; not very Christmassy I am afraid; I simply didn’t have time to go looking for clip-art of Santa and puddings etc. But if there are any children out there wanting to see Santa before Christmas, he is coming to Forncett Village Hall on Sunday 16th December at lunchtime – so have a look at page 2 for details.

My fingers got in a muddle over one of the dates, so here is the correct information: Methodist Carol Concert is on December 16th, not the 11th. (See page 6).

There are a couple of recipes for Christmas cake, for those of you who like to leave things till the last minute; I know which one I will be making! There is a phone number on page 5 if you want to dispose of your Christmas tree after the celebrations; and information about what to do with your turkey fat (or goose grease) that comes out during the cooking process (page 6).

So you see, I have been thinking about Christmas for you after all. I will be back in early February, but without Railway Ron. This is his last month, and there is a photo of him on Page 9.

The editorial team at the Forncett Flyer wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Forncett Flyer November 2012
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There are photos galore this month, of people doing all sorts of things around the village: the one on the front cover is of a beautiful ash tree. The fate of trees like this has been a major concern in the news of recent weeks; Ashwellthorpe wood was even featured by George Aligiah (go on then, you spell it!) on the News at Ten. All we can do is watch and wait.

Railway Ron is almost at the end of the line; Forncett station has now closed, and a brave attempt to reopen it is described this month. What next for page 9? I have no idea; what would you like to see there? Would you like to take over Ron’s spot?

There is a man carrying a bicycle, on page 2, and also a woman with a spider on her head. On page 3 we are asking for spectacles for lions, and there is an invitation to join in a game of Ultimate Frisbee on page 4.

Who says village newsletters are boring??

Forncett Flyer October 2012
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Welcome back after the summer!

We have a lovely wedding on the front page to make up for the lamentable lack of wedding detail in the BBC's Downton Abbey; all that build up about Lady Mary's wedding then practically nothing of the day itself. Well Elizabeth and Nick Champion had a wonderful wedding, and St Mary's church probably enjoyed its first wedding in 42 years too!

Once again we have an insert to look at – this time Spratts Coaches revealing details of their trips from now until Christmas: things like Thursford Christmas Spectacular, and Panto, Christmas Fayres and Shows. Yoga comes to Forncett Village Hall – see details on the back of the insert, together with lots of people jumping and running about at the Olympic Barbecue event at the Village Hall in September.

We have received two letters – one from a cat! The school report is in, and doc Willis is having a good long moan about the state of things again! He's off duty till the end of October having an operation on his shoulder, so from the Flyer team 'GET WELL SOON!'

The dates of Flu jabs for Wymondham and Long Stratton are included.

Diggers & Dibblers are pictured planting bulbs for the village, round the two War Memorials, and having fun at the Annual Village Produce and Craft Show.

More next month.

Forncett Flyer August 2012
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‘Bronze’ for the Forncett Flyers Sports Team! At their first attempt the newly established Flyers team managed to trounce the opposition and fight their way through to third place. Considering how short a time they had to put together the team - and for practice and preparations - this is a remarkable achievement, and Glen and his team are to be congratulated.

Also in this issue; the floods of 1912. Both Railway Ron and John Webster (Historian) make this their topic this month – exactly 100 years ago Norfolk was under inches of water: history repeats itself this year, only the water is measured in centimetres. Also we have news of a new Optometrist in Long Stratton.

A new Village Hall team is raring to go with six-weekly quizzes with food, and the next four dates are listed here.

We say a sad farewell to Ben Puttock, a lovely local character who will be much missed.

I am having a month off now, so you won’t be hearing from me until October (first week). Have a great summer, and don't forget your brolly!

Insert to the Forncett Flyer August 2012
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More details here about Shepherds Optometrist in Long Stratton, the first there for ten years.

Also you will find the Village Hall dates repeated here so you can pin them up on your notice board. Paul Ludkin gets his approved star, and there are photos of the recent mini-fete at Forncett St Edmunds church.

Forncett Flyer July 2012
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Things have come back down to earth now after the Jubilee celebrations and I thought if there were only a few things to report on I could get away with an eight page issue – mainly because I have come down with a rotten cold and chest infection.

HA! Forncett isn't like that: once you have got a village like ours going, it's hard to stop it. The newly formed Forncett Flyer sports team take up the whole back page with news and photos of their tremendous achievements at The Village Games Day at Framlingham Earl coming second only to a practiced and seasoned team that had done all this before.

Diggers & Dibblers have been out in force with their evening trip with Spratt's Coaches, and the feast in a member's garden. The new village hall committee is poised ready for action of all sorts.

Pauline Barnes is remembered with affection by her family.

Next issue will be published around the middle of August and then there is a gap until early October; so perhaps I will get my allotment up to date!

Forncett Diamond Jubilee Report
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This Jubilee special is split into two parts; those of you who want nothing to do with the Jubilee celebrations can be spared the many dozens of photographs of people enjoying themselves at parties, dances, event of all kinds where we celebrated the Queen's 60 year reign. You will of course miss the photo of Bev Spratt in a silly hat, and six armed guards watching the Queen's back. You will also avoid seeing Pam Thurtle as never before, and the monster cake made by Antony Land. Fans of the Spratts will miss both Quinton and Bev - the latter cutting the ribbon on the new Jubilee Green: Quinton on the other hand is trying his hardest to get a bottle of wine for 50p. Then there is the lady who pulled out her own raffle ticket number from the hat, and yours truly offering children sweeties from her car. For those who can't stand the sight of fairy cakes, you will fail to be tempted by a picture of 12 of the best I have ever seen.

Those of you who came and enjoyed the celebrations, at one event or another, had better look and see if they are pictured in glorious colour doing something regrettable. You know who you are!

The usual 12 page flyer contains the usual things, fetes, allotments, and good old Ron with his railway reminiscences.

Let me know what you think.

Su Leavesley

Forncett Flyer June 2012
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This Jubilee special is split into two parts; those of you who want nothing to do with the Jubilee celebrations can be spared the many dozens of photographs of people enjoying themselves at parties, dances, event of all kinds where we celebrated the Queen's 60 year reign. You will of course miss the photo of Bev Spratt in a silly hat, and six armed guards watching the Queen's back. You will also avoid seeing Pam Thurtle as never before, and the monster cake made by Antony Land. Fans of the Spratts will miss both Quinton and Bev - the latter cutting the ribbon on the new Jubilee Green: Quinton on the other hand is trying his hardest to get a bottle of wine for 50p. Then there is the lady who pulled out her own raffle ticket number from the hat, and yours truly offering children sweeties from her car. For those who can't stand the sight of fairy cakes, you will fail to be tempted by a picture of 12 of the best I have ever seen.

Those of you who came and enjoyed the celebrations, at one event or another, had better look and see if they are pictured in glorious colour doing something regrettable. You know who you are!

The usual 12 page flyer contains the usual things, fetes, allotments, and good old Ron with his railway reminiscences.

Let me know what you think.

Su Leavesley

Forncett Flyer May 2012
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What a palaver! I took my laptop on holiday with me so that I could work on this month’s edition while ‘Barry and his banjo’ entertained the others in the lounge downstairs, and the diddly thing packed up on me! So a very helpful man in Wymondham (name and address supplied) ordered me a new hard drive to be waiting for my return. Then he stayed at work all day Saturday getting it fixed – thank you Nik.  

We have a packed edition again with photos of the Norfolk Village games, sport taster day; a report about healthy eating from Harry and Edward at the school; some Cheese and Wine evening photos by my new staff photographers who stepped in while I was away to delight you. Also there is a whole page of tributes to Sally Rhodes who died recently: a very much loved lady, involved in all aspects of village life, she will be sorely missed.  

‘What about the Jubilee!!!’ I hear you cry.  

A committee has been formed; funds applied for, and entertainers booked. In a couple of weeks’ time you (residents of Forncett) will be receiving a Jubilee special programme of events to guide you through the four days of events. I hope it will be on the website too, and I will send you a link when it is. Anyone with anything to broadcast about jubilee events in and around Forncett is urged to get in touch with me VERY SOON if you would like a mention in the programme.

Forncett Flyer April 2012
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Fourteen pages this month!

The insert is the show schedule for Diggers & Dibblers Produce and Craft show, and most of it is the right way up, so have a look and see which categories you might have a go at. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A GARDEN CLUB MEMBER to enter! Nor do you have to be up to RHS standard. At 25p per entry what’s stopping you?

There has been a high level of interest in the future of the old newsagent’s shop at the Jolly Farmers crossroads. There is a report on page 6 of the discussions at the recent Parish Council meeting, but other than that, there is no information. The list of new planning applications is published by South Norfolk Council every Monday, and up to the 26th March nothing was listed. For the illustration referred to on page 6 see Millbank, oppsite Austhorpe House.

I am not quite sure when the next issue will be coming out as I am going away (leaving cat and husband guarding my garden) so if you have any contributions, get them to me early please.

Forncett Flyer March 2012
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Spring is afoot and the crocuses are on the back page of this month’s edition – if not quite yet in the garden. We have two famous people inside; Bob Flowerdew on page 11 and H.M. the Queen on the back page, but only one of them actually posed for a photograph to be taken by yours truly.

There is yet another insert this month, this time concerning our lousy slow Broadband speed. 

We have gone to great lengths to provide those of you who get a paper copy, a form to fill in which relates to this insert. It is freepost and you just have to moisten it round the edge to stick it up. How hard can that be? Anyone who really can't be bothered can phone me, and I will come round and lick it for you. (Er… maybe not) By registering you don't actually commit yourself to anything. Please read and consider.    Thanks very much

Campaign for better broadband; just say YES
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There is a campaign to badger the internet providers to do something about our download and upload speeds. As a Low Road reader put it ‘Forncett has some of the lowest speeds in Norfolk’ so those of you who care about these things should (please) click, phone or write-in to register. Those who don't care very much might like to consider that (a) you might care in the future and (b) it could affect the value of your house if you can t offer buyers a fast internet service.

Forncett Flyer February 2012
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One last look at the Christmas capers then on to the start of a new year. Santa and his team of helpers are on page 2: the New Year’s Day walk is on the back page. Diggers & Dibblers Quiz and Chips night (with photos) is on page 11, with a report about the Tas Well party.

Forncett School sent us such a nice lot of pictures that they are shown with the school report on page 2 - in glowing colour. The girls in bottle green berets brought back memories for me, I had to wear one for SIX years when I was at school, and I burnt it the day I left – horrid thing! John Webster has gone to town (literally) with his history reports (while you are on the website you could look at more of them, listed under ‘The Forncett Archive notes’.)

Tacolneston is to have its own newsletter soon, - The Tacolneston Times - and all the team at the Forncett Flyer wish them well with it. I believe it will be on the Tacolneston website,

Anyone of a delicate constitution should avoid Railway Ron’s piece this month; grim tidings are reported. Other than that….enjoy!

Forncett Flyer Advertising Insert February 2012
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The insert is shown on here twice as I don't want you to have to stand on your head trying to read the sideways version. Do have a look; there are some interesting trips available, and the care and consideration of passengers is the most important thing for Spratts coaches.