Forncett Flyer 2019

Forncett Flyer 2019

The Forncett Flyer, village newspaper for the Forncetts, is published monthly, except for September and January, and is an independent publication, paid for by Forncett Parish Council and by the local advertisers contained in it. It is produced by an editorial team consisting of Su Leavesley and April Carlin.

Copy deadlnes can be seen in the side panel.

There is an index to all Flyer issues up to end of June 2014 - Forncett Flyer Index


Forncett Flyer December 2019
 3.15 MB

Here is the last Forncett Flyer of 2019; the next one will be published around early February – so make the most of it.

I make no excuses for not being very xmassy, I leave that to the commercial magazines; there is always so much information, news and gossip in Forncett that I don’t have space for Christmas recipes. I couldn’t even get the south Norfolk Group walks schedule in, but the Southern Norfolk group walks can be found on the Ramblers website.

I hope I shall be welcoming you to Last Homely House on New Year's Day for a mince pie and mulled wine; (details on page 2). If you are new to the village and have never done the walk, you might like to try it. No one checks how far you have walked so you can cheat and take short cuts; popping into the Village Hall and having soup and a roll, tea, coffee etc. (I have heard it’s really nice, but I am always at home serving out pies and wine). There are downstairs toilet facilities here, and somewhere to sit. Dogs welcome.

Whatever you get up to this Christmas, do have a lovely time; eat far too much and sleep in till noon if you wish. Do send me any silly pictures if they are fit to print.

See you in February. Take care.


Forncett Flyer June 2019
 3.91 MB

Forncett Flyer May 2019
 3.73 MB

Forncett Flyer April 2019
 4.47 MB