The New Forncett End Defibrillator (in the phone box by St. Edmunds Church)
On the 28th April at St Edmunds Church in Forncett End, an awareness training Seminar for the newly installed Defibrillator, the second for our village, was given by Martin Render from The Community Heartbeat Trust. This was incredibly well attended and a great success. It was also good fun, very informative and, possibly, motivational. Light hearted and very serious in equal measure to make the important points that needed making. This was an opportunity to understand what a defibrillator is, how it can save lives and most importantly dispel any fears and myths about using these incredible devices.
For those that were unable to join the session, I would like to pass on the 4 crucial things that Martin wanted us all to remember from the evening.
1. When a person has a Cardiac arrest, the heart doesn’t pump blood around the body as it should and without intervention from somebody, that person IS going to die. So the option to do nothing isn’t really an option.
2. If the heart has gone into a rhythm known as fibrillation, a Defibrillator is needed to try to get it working again. These new defibrillators are so easy to use that you don’t need any training; ours even has a video display showing you what to do.
3. Using a defibrillator on a person CANNOT DO ANY HARM and will not deliver a shock to the patient unless he/she needs it.
4. You are not going to be sued or be in trouble for trying to save a life with a defibrillator and it is unsuccessful
I would like to thank all those that attended the session for coming and hope that you did find it helpful. If anyone who attended has any comments or feedback about the session I would be very pleased to hear from you (). We would like to arrange further sessions, maybe on an annual basis, so keep a look out for details. More details from the evening cab be seen on the Forncett website.
Thanks also to Martin Render and Community Heartbeat Trust and to John and Margaret Webster for the use of the Church.