
Plants for Pollinators

If you were lucky enough to have been at Pam Merrick's talk on summer pollinators you will have gathered lots of information about how to make our gardens as pollinator-friendly as possible.  Planting in drifts helps insects; less travel - less energy used.

2024.05.pollinators. Photo C Sharp 4smDiscussions after a fascinating evening. Photo Carol Sharp

Pam also gave us valuable lists of plants, plus startling facts about the numbers of different pollinators; 1500 is a conservative estimate. There are around 240 species of solitary bees, 27 bumblebees and just 1 species of honeybee, plus 59 species of butterflies. Then of course there are hoverflies, moths, beetles and many others. It was a fascinating and engaging talk with lots of ideas to make our gardens beautiful to ourselves and valuable to pollinators of all sorts.  Thanks to Pam for such a great evening, and to all those who helped with our excellent refreshments.

Pam's lists, which include plants favoured by the different pollinators, are available here:
Plants for Pollinators information sheet
Pollinator Information - Mick Finnemore

plants for Pollinators with border

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