
News in June 2022

Spring Hedgerow Walk 2nd April: On a beautiful Spring afternoon, only hours after the last of the hailstorms, some 20 people and a dog enjoyed an afternoon immersed in hedgerows, talking about the immense value of hedgerows to wildlife and the environment and considering how best to manage them. The first hedge we visited was a nice example of a healthy, mixed hedge; we guessed it at about 7 or 8 years old. The Healthy Hedgerows Survey, currently being carried out by the Norfolk Wildlife Trust as part of its Wilder Connections project, recommends cutting mature hedges only every two or three years, as most hedge species flower and fruit on second year wood.

Pollinator Plant Swap 20th May: By the time you read this we will have had an evening of talks including local ecologist Mick Finnemore talking about the search for the rare Shrill Carder Bee in Forncett, followed by a swap of plants that are good for pollinators, so we can spread nectar rich plants throughout the village. Our Forncett Nature Connections map was on display showing how we are doing with our wildlife friendly corridor.


  • Jubilee Celebrations Day –Saturday 4th June 1pm -4pm: We will have a table at this event at the village hall, showing the Forncett Nature Connections map, giving advice about gardening for wildlife and hopefully signing up some more supporters.
  • St Peter’s Churchyard Plant Survey - Date to be confirmed: An afternoon looking at some of the wildflowers and naming them. Bring a flask and some food to share



  • Norfolk Wildlife Trust Claylands events – ongoing until December:
  • An Eco play for children - Sunday 12th June 2.30pm in the meadow at Black Barn, Tabernacle Lane NR16 1LE. Aimed at 4-8 years The Miracle Egg is a magical eco-fable about a girl born from an egg and her adventures among the birds, featuring dance and music. 40 mins long.Bring a rug to sit on.£3 per family.
  • Wildlife event Sunday pm, August 21 Jubilee Hall, Loddon : An event by South Yare Wildlife Group. We will have a stand showing how we are making the wildlife corridor so other communities can do the same.

Join our supporters group and mailing list by emailing us at

We publicise our events through email, the Forncett e-noticeboard, the Forncett Flyer and the village website – look under Coming Events.



Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata 1 Martin MecnarowskiWiki CommonsSpotted Fylcatcher. Photo By Martin Mecnarowski ( - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
  • Look out for acrobatic Spotted Flycatchers, seen this week near St Mary’s Church, darting out from a tree, catching insects on the wing and then twisting mid-air and returning to the same spot. They look as if they have left home, only to turn back because they can’t remember if they locked the front door.  Spot them quickly because they’ll be leaving for Africa as soon as early August, whether or not they locked the door.
  • Leave a patch of long grass and spot goldfinches on your lawn, feeding on dandelion clocks. A great photo-op!
  • The beautiful and increasingly rare Turtle Dove has also arrived back from Africa. We’d love to hear from you if you spot one or hear its distinctive purring. Most likely to be seen on scrubland or in hedges near to arable fields, where they feed on seeds from cereals or wildflowers­­­­


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