
Christmas Cards, Calendars and Christmas food

Cards and Calendars will be on sale at our Saturday Markets – the next one is Saturday 18 December, 10-12.30, Forncett Village Hall, NR16 1JG - and can be ordered from April Carlin: 01953 788775,  

You can also order a wide range of Christmas goodies: , 8” cakes fully iced £15, puddings large and small, £10 and £5, plus mince pies, sausage rolls etc. from April Carlin.

Lovely sets of Christmas cards from designs by two local artists are now on sale – 6 cards for £5; 5 packs for £20. Card.R Fretter sm
 Sarah Allen's painting Rachael Fretter's photograph

 Thanks to Sarah and Rachel for their inspiring painting and photograph, and to Su Leavesley for production.

  Fabulous Forncett        Fabulous Forncett Calendar back sm
Our 2022 Calendar  

Our Fabulous Forncett 2022 Calendar is also on sale – a bargain at £6.

Lovely shots taken in the village by local people make great stocking fillers as well as useful and beautiful items for you.

Thanks to everyone who sent in photos and to Emma Mace, a Graphic Desginer who put it together for us for free.

Scrumptious foods for Christmas and any time you fancy them.  Thanks to all our bakers.

2021 Xmas cakes.Photo A Carlin 3smDelicious Christmas cakes. Photo: A Carlin

  Cards, Calendars and Christmas foods are on sale at our Saturday Markets – the next one is Saturday 18 December, 10-12.30, Forncett Village Hall, NR16 1JG - and can be ordered from April Carlin: 01953 788775,

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