The Old Sale Yard site
Update 21st March.
At the Parish Council meeting on 20th March, the representatives of the developers explained the reasons for the major changes in the layout since outline approval was granted. After many questions and queries from the 14 or so members of the public present, the Parish Council discussed and summarised its views for submission to South Norfolk Council. These comments can be read here.
Update 17th March.
We have now heard that representaives of the Developers will be coming to the Parish Council meeting on 20th March to describe and discuss the plans, in the 'Public Open Session - at about 7.40 pm.
Update March 2014.
The site is now cleared and the developers (Bennett Homes) have put forward detailed plans for the development, following the outline permission granted some time ago.
There are still 17 houses, but the main change from the outline scheme is that the access to the site will be using the entrance formerly used by CPS, rather than the disused 'side entrance' round the corner towards Long Stratton.
The Parish Council will be discussing its response to the proposals (Application Number 2014/0290) at the meeting on 20th March. In the mean time you can look at the detailed plans here:
{artsexylightbox path="images/stories/NewsItems/CPSplan/" previewWidth="600"}{/artsexylightbox}
(click pic to enlarge)
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(click pics to enlarge)