Forncett Big Litter Pick 2013 - Update
Photos by Brian Frith
(click to enlarge)
Update: May 11th 2013
We have just heard that Forncett has won one of the £250 prizes for participating in the Litter Pick. The prize money must be used for 'The Community'. Those who helped with the Litter Pick have been asked for ideas - the final decision will be made by the Parish Council as the Litter Pick was done 'in their name'. The prize is an extra bonus - in addition to the benefits of a cleaner village and some excellent Community work! Wonderful!
Saturday April 6th 2013
- Sun shining (is this Spring?)
- 21 Volunteers
- 8 'routes' for picking, totalling approximately 14 miles of roads
- 2 hours (average) time
- 22 bulging bags of rubbish collected!
Congratulations to all volunteers who took part in our 'Big Litter Pick' - one of a number taking place throughout South Norfolk this Spring. The photo shows 18 of the (mostly well-behaved!) volunteers at the Village Halll after depositing their bags of litter and enjoying some welcome refreshments provided by the Parish Council and served by Anne,
In this first organised litter pick for many years (if not the first ever) we learnt quite a lot! Some parts of the village are really quite clear of litter - mainly those near the housing groups. Presumably, thanks are due to residents who keep an eye on 'their patch'. Sadly, areas of more open road, especially on the faster routes, were found to be very badly littered. It seems that some people equate 'open road' with 'open window and throw'! Having said that, it was clear that much of the litter had been on the verges a considerable time - so hopefully, if we do the same again next year, there might not be such a problem! In the meantime, if you missed your chance to join us this time, why not take a carrier bag in your pocket when you are out for a walk and see what you can find? Every little helps!
Thanks again, everyone!
Brian Frith