Flower Festival Celebrating the Life of Forncett

The 13th and 14th July 2019 saw another great example of Forncett’s community spirit when an impressive number of village groups got together to put on a glorious flower festival in St Peter’s church. Each group created a stunning display of flowers. Children from the village school also took part, welcoming visitors with a floral ‘guard of honour’ as they entered the church and decorating the pews with more seasonal delights. Visitors were refreshed by tea, cake, strawberries and cream, the perfect evocation of an English summer.
But the festival didn’t stop at flowers. The history group put together a fine display of local history including the story of Dorothy, William Wordsworth’s sister, who lived for a time in Forncett. William visited her twice and his walks along the banks of the River Tas and the local lanes inspired him to write a sonnet.
And William’s spirit was much in evidence on Saturday when we were treated to an evening of poems and Pimms with many villagers rising to the occasion to deliver poems evoking tears of both laughter and sorrow. The church was packed again on Sunday for Songs of Praise. Over this very successful weekend the community came together and raised £580 for St Peter’s.
Peter Schimdt-Hansen
Diggers & Dibblers Gardening Club, Photo A Carlin