Forncett Fete 24th June 2017
After the deluge which wiped out the 2016 Fete in mid afternoon, we were blessed with near perfect weather for the 2017 event. Consequently, the crowds came out to enjoy everything on offer - as can been seen from the selection of Su's photo's. The trailer rides to and from the Steam Museum (which also opened specially for the afternoon) were much appreciated, as were the wide variety of stalls, stands and games. Refreshments from the BBQ, teas in the Hall, bar, ice creams etc went down well with everyone ... and the many children (when they were not performing in the ring) enjoyed the petting area, bouncy castle and all the other games.
Net profit from the afternoon was £2933, meaning that almost £978 was donated to each of Forncett School, Little Tractors Playgroup and the Village Hall. Thanks to everyonewho came along or helped in any way.