Forncett Platinum Jubilee Celebrations June 2022
A selection of images from HM Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee celebrations in Forncett - June 2022
Most photos taken by Phil Whiscombe and reproduced here with his permission
Apologies that it has taken so long to get the photos together and work out how put them into the 'slideshow' format!
Much has happened since early June - we were worried about rain (in fact many local celebrations scheduled for Sunday 5th June were called off). Little did we know how the summer would turn out with its record breaking high temperatures and drought conditions.
Queen Elizabeth II was able to play some part in her Platinum Jubilee Celebrations, but sadly she died on 8th September, and was succeeded by her son King Charles III. Hopefuly this collection of images from Forncett will bring back happy memories of a joyful time of celebration of a long reign and a life devoted to service to our Country and the Commonwealth.
If you have photos of other events and would like them added to the slideshow, please contact me at
Click the image below for the slideshow: Photos, with thanks, by Phil Whiscombe, unless otherwise indicated
This seems to work best on a desktop / laptop