Forncett Fete 2013 hailed a great success!
Click pic for slideshow
Photos by Su Leavesley
After a break last year the 2013 Forncett Village Fete was held at the Village Hall and Jubilee Green on Saturday June 29th 2013, the first to be held at the Village Hall, with its adjacent recently named 'Jubilee Green' and the general opinion seems to be that it was a great success! It gave us the Village Hall close at hand for power, refreshment and 'other facilities', and the Tas Well bar was able to operate very conveniently from the corner of the Hall nearest the field. We were favoured with perfect weather and an excellent turnout of visitors (estimated 100 cars parked at one time, as well as many cyclists and pedestrians). It all added up to make a great Village occasion!
Update 20th July: With income and expenditure now totalled, the Organising Committee have declared the total profits (subject to any very late expense claims) to be £2347.05, meaning that each of three groups (Village Hall, School and Little Tractors Playgroup) will receive £782.35 for their funds. Thank you, everybody, once again! A truly fantastic result!
With proceeds to be divided between the Village Hall, School and Little Tractors Playgroup, each group had played their part in organising aspects of the Fete, with invaluable backup from countless others who loaned and erected tents, gazebos and the scaffolding backdrop for the target football and coconut shy and put up the bunting. Others made car parking available and allowed access to and from the field, sought out donations for the raffle, tombola and auction, found prizes for the various games, operated the sound system, made, prepared and served refreshments, made and sold cakes, manned the bar and barbecue etc etc.
Performances from the children gave a focus midway through the afternoon, taking them, temporarily, away from the bouncy giant slide, the face painting, the 'tuck shop' and all the other amusements on offer. For young and old there were static displays from the Tank Museum and a model aircraft enthusiast.
You might notice there are no individual names in the above account - that's because it was all a great joint effort of which Forncett can truly be very proud. The list of names would be enormous ... and someone would still feel left out!
So, thank you one and all - whether donating, preparing, helping, or just coming along to support us! It is too early to give a final figure for the financial outcome ... but it's looking good (now see above for the update!)
For many more pictures see the July 2013 edition of 'The Forncett Flyer'