
Save St Peter's: An April Update


Spring in the churchyard Photo A Rae
Photo: A Rae

St Peter’s has been closed since late February when a large area of plaster fell off the nave wall, narrowly missing the pulpit. The builders are going to make the area safe by removing any loose plaster, but only after it has been examined by a conservator to ensure there is no medieval art work beneath. We had planned to then open the church leaving the gap on the wall to eventually be repaired as part of the major building works. Of course, events have now overtaken that resolve and church services have been cancelled for the present. However, although services are suspended the other churches remain open daily for people to sit quietly and/or pray.

The committee formed to oversee the vitally necessary work at St Peter’s will continue to meet in a very different way. We have been introduced to the glories of a ‘video conference call’ and this will be the method used for the foreseeable future. I am glad to report that an architect has been appointed to draw up the necessary plans and to guide us through the procedure of applying to the Heritage Lottery Fund for a grant.

Sadly our planned events over the next few months have had to be put on hold. We had hoped to add to the growing fund with our Bric a Brac sale and the VE Day Afternoon Tea, but the virus thought differently. We hope very much that we will be able to hold some events later in the year to boost the total. We are aiming, as a village, to raise c£25,000, the amount the Heritage Lottery Fund require us to contribute before they will consider making a grant. The present situation has set us back somewhat, but I’m sure that with your help we will get there.

[NB Since this was posted building costs have been re-evaluated with our Project Architect and the contribution prior to NLHF application is now £50,000].

In the meantime, keep well and enjoy our beautiful countryside as much as possible. Our gardens should all look wonderful now that we will have to spend so much time in them.

If you would like to become a member of St Peter’s Friends to boost our growing number or any other related information, please contact the church warden, Gilly Barnes on 01508 813055 or April Carlin, 01953 788775.

April Carlin.

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