
Ally Rae, Volunteer, Deputy Chair of FoSP Committee

We now meet Ally Rae, one of the Friends of St Peter’s committee.

2021.12.Ally Rae photo J Rae smPhoto: J Rae

 Hello Ally, how did you get involved in our campaign?

I’ve had a deep interest in history and conservation ever since I did a degree in Fine Art at Reading University in the ‘70s. We studied many things including painting, print making, sculpture and art history. For my final year project, I researched gothic sculpture which involved visiting churches and cathedrals around the country.

And did this interest continue after you graduated?

Yes! While I was still a student I volunteered as a conservator at Reading Museum. Conservation mixes art and science and it really appealed to me. Once I graduated, I got a job as a conservator at The British Museum focussing on organic artefacts such as wood and textiles. I specialised in feathers which play a really important part in every culture around the world.

How did you end up in Forncett?

I’d met my partner Doug and we decided we’d like to live further from London so in 2006 I took the plunge, went freelance and we moved to Forncett. I worked for a number of organisations including Norwich Castle Museum and the National Trust until I retired a couple of years ago. We now live in Ashwellthorpe, but still have strong links to Forncett and its wonderful community.

 What is your involvement in Friends of St Peter’s?

I’m deputy chair of the main committee and chair of the publicity sub-committee. Publicity is so important, because we need support for St Peter’s from near and far. There’s a lot of work to be done, but I feel really optimistic that we’re making progress. The more I learn about St Peter’s, the more fascinating it becomes and the more important it is to secure its future.

 Thank you Ally – your experience, passion and skills have helped us so much already!


Ally was Deputy Chair of the FoSP committee from October 2019- October 2023 and chaired the Publicity sub-committee until October 2023. She was Secretary to the Project Steering Group until October 2023 when changes in personal circumstances meant she needed to step back. She helps with aspects of campaign publicity including social media.

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