Forncett Flyer April 2015


As usual there is more content in this month’s issue than ever. The centre pages are given over to the schedule of Diggers & Dibblers’s forthcoming (September) Village Produce and Craft Show, so that you can start planning your entries now. It’s not only carrots and flower arrangements, there’s knitting, crochet, poetry (a limerick) and photography - so don’t be shy, give it a try!

The other half of the pull-out is an information sheet and map, designed primarily for newcomers to the village, but also for some of us who don’t know all of what’s available in the village. Thanks to Anne Rayner - your Parish Clerk - for putting that together.

A recent set of traffic diversions was in place temporarily: something to do with a water main on Low Road, near David Barnes’s place. This explains why cars had to go down Tabernacle Lane and Gilderswood road again. Or not. The only good news is that this is for a very short time.

If you are easily offended you’d better avoid page 9. I have had good support for this article.

There are quite a few articles in this edition, about events and people outside the village; Forncett news will always come first in the Flyer, but when there isn't very much, we like to tell you about what’s happening in neighbouring villages, and towns. Hope that’s O.K. with you,

FLOSSY  is back again, for those of you who like a flutter - and a chance to help the Village Hall.

And the Defibrillator launch is 6 pm on Monday 30th March, photos will be taken, so be there.

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Created Date: 12-04-2015