Forncett Flyer May 2014


Forncett Flyer May 2014

There are several ways you can give:

• By BACS to the Friends of Chapel Road School Account – Lloyds Bank, Sort Code 30 98 58 Account No. 00683908
• By cheque payable to Friends of Chapel Road School and sent to Chapel Road School, Chapel Road, Attleborough Norfolk NR17 2DS
• By cheque made out to the Rotary Club of Wymondham and sent to me at Chestnut Cottage, Long Stratton Road, Forncett St Peter, Norfolk NR16 1HT

In each case if you are willing and would like us to claim Gift Aid on your donation please return this downloadable form, either by post or email, noting your name, address and post code and with a tick in the Gift Aid box. This will add up to 25% to your donation.

Terry Hickman Smith
Forncett End

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Created Date: 12-05-2014