Forncett Flyer July 2013


So many different events have happened in Forncett over the last month I hardly knew where to begin! Naturally I forgot something, but with 16 pages to fill and 66 photographs to place crop and enhance, I had my work cut out. And of all people it was John Webster that I let down. He wrote a lovely piece about Forncett St Edmunds church roof, and I forgot it.It can, however, be found on the web site: St Edmund’s acquires a new hat

Apart from that, we finally get to meet the Revd Suzanne Cooke, the new vicar for the group of parishes. Those energetic orange-clad sports people get a whole page to themselves as they have done remarkably well getting through to the finals again.

The fete on Saturday was one of the best I have ever been to: the weather was kind to us and once the barbecue had got going properly and we could all breathe, there followed a timeless example of village life; beer, burgers, raffle and cakes. The Tank Museum promised us a vehicle, and in the end they brought at least four, and the smartly dressed chaps who came with the vehicles stayed all day. There is a feature about their forthcoming Military Weekend on page 11.

All Diggers & Dibblers summer antics are on the back page together with a picture of a lovely young couple – just wed, 50 years ago. Congratulations to Shirley and Peter King.

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Created Date: 12-07-2013