Forncett Flyer May 2012


What a palaver! I took my laptop on holiday with me so that I could work on this month’s edition while ‘Barry and his banjo’ entertained the others in the lounge downstairs, and the diddly thing packed up on me! So a very helpful man in Wymondham (name and address supplied) ordered me a new hard drive to be waiting for my return. Then he stayed at work all day Saturday getting it fixed – thank you Nik.  

We have a packed edition again with photos of the Norfolk Village games, sport taster day; a report about healthy eating from Harry and Edward at the school; some Cheese and Wine evening photos by my new staff photographers who stepped in while I was away to delight you. Also there is a whole page of tributes to Sally Rhodes who died recently: a very much loved lady, involved in all aspects of village life, she will be sorely missed.  

‘What about the Jubilee!!!’ I hear you cry.  

A committee has been formed; funds applied for, and entertainers booked. In a couple of weeks’ time you (residents of Forncett) will be receiving a Jubilee special programme of events to guide you through the four days of events. I hope it will be on the website too, and I will send you a link when it is. Anyone with anything to broadcast about jubilee events in and around Forncett is urged to get in touch with me VERY SOON if you would like a mention in the programme.

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Created Date: 12-05-2012