Forncett Flyer November 2011


Forncett Flyer November 2011

This month we have someone very famous* on the front cover, and she is sitting pretty on Alan Gray’s lap. Forncett School’s European Day gets full coverage with two lovely photos of the goings-on, and as usual the ‘Forthcoming’ page has events to please all, from coffee mornings, to ‘Getting the best from your vegetable patch.’ Bob McClenning makes an appeal for fellow thespians, and there’s a petition to sign to help stop thefts from church roofs.

Ethel Coleman writes about the sad passing of Sylvia Holmes, and Suzanna Averill gives us an insight into the character of this lovely and popular lady who will be greatly missed. The back page contains details of the recent Gardeners’ Question Time evening at the Village Hall, with a delightful photo of Sarah House hiding behind a pot plant.
* Her name is Pepperpot.

NB. In our haste to pull everything together to get to the publishers on time, we neglected to include Anne Hardestey’s name in the piece about the Harvest Supper, on page 12. Anne worked hard on preparations for the supper (as did all the ladies) and also provided a delicious desert for the diners to enjoy. Without all these ladies the Supper would simply not go ahead, and they earn our respect and genuine admiration.

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Created Date: 12-11-2011