Forncett Flyer March 2011


Forncett Flyer March 2011

How I get all the news and forthcoming attractions into 12 pages, I do not know; but it’s all here. Not one but two quizzes; one by the allotmenteers, and one in aid of Little Tractors playgroup. Beyond the Parish boundary on page 5welcomes ‘Tibenham Tidings’, ‘Bunwell Bulletin’ and ‘Wednesday afternoon W.I.’ The kids have taken over the school report, where Owain, Felix and Jake entertain us with football news. For those of you who love reading, see page 4 for an item about World Book Night, and your chance to get a free book.

There is also a word about the very sad death of Hedley Smith, with an appreciation by Bob McClenning; Hedley will be much missed by a large number of people, including me.

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Created Date: 12-03-2011