Forncett Flyer June 2011


Forncett Flyer June 2011

It’s early summer and the outdoor events are beginning to increase in number: we have photos of the Auto Jumble at the Steam Museum, and of the beautiful Flower festival at Tacolneston Church, and the forthcoming page is bursting with news of a Proms concert, Thomas the Tank engine, coffee mornings, and a trip to a garden. Both Forncett and Tacolneston have a fete coming up – but not on the same day! The Parish Council has had a re-shuffle and Bob McClenning is back in his role as ‘fully recycled District Councillor’ (his words, not mine). Railway Ron is on the next generation of the Reynolds family, and Dr Willis (demoted to page 6 for lateness in submitting his report) is reminding us not to waste surgery time by making appointments and then not showing up. Quite right too.

I would say ‘do have a lovely summer’ but speaking as an allotmenteer, I WISH IT WOULD RAIN A BIT.

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Created Date: 12-06-2011