Forncett Flyer October 2010


Forncett Flyer October 2010

The members of the team at the Forncett Flyer are glad to be back after the summer break, but deeply saddened by the death of our Rector, Clive Styles. There is a lovely photo and appreciation of him on the front of this month’s edition. He will be missed, and for a long time. On a happier note, I just counted up the number of contributors to this issue (text and photos, but not adverts) and I discovered that there are twenty six of them, including two of the children from Forncett School: this is wonderful! The centre pages are designed to be a pull-out with everything you ever wanted to know about the LDF, and we were prompted into doing this by a gentleman who lives outside the village – so that’s 27 contributors. Circus; classic cars; Nicky and Quill; and a bench seat with two left legs – it’s all here.

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Created Date: 12-10-2010