Forncett Flyer July 2010


Forncett Flyer July 2010

What a bumper issue we have this month: you will find coverage of Forncett Fete, an outdoor event where it rained and rained: but were we downhearted? Not likely. Then there is coverage of Diggers & Dibblers third annual show, an indoor event where the sun shone and we all melted in the heat. Typical English Summer! There are photos galore, including some of a recent trip with Sidelines to Langham Walled garden, where a coach-load of people had a jolly nice time. Page 4 might not make sense until you see page 5, but I dearly wanted the picture of Gladys Durrant to be in colour (in the printed version) and Dr Bamber too. I apologise in advance for any errors and omissions and inconsistencies, 16 pages is more than I should be doing at my age.

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Created Date: 12-07-2010