Forncett Flyer August 2010


Forncett Flyer August 2010

Summer is upon us and what could be better than a paddle in the ice-cold North Sea? Little Tractors did just that and one brave man is shown on the cover trying it out for himself. The printed version this month is in black and white as we try to recover our financial equilibrium – last month’s copy bust the bank somewhat despite the very generous annual allowance from the Parish Council, we still have to curb our extravagance. The mobile police van chart has gone from our pages to be replaced with a monthly caution from SNAP / police / homewatch. Railway Ron gets almost a full page; and the Open Garden event at Four Seasons is depicted in photographs. There’s lots of doggies on the back page, and a llama (really!) on page 3. Dog-show photos by Greg Spencer, Strawberry Tea by Su Leavesley, Little Tractors by Little Tractors staff.

There is no issue next month but the church services will be on this website, and if there is anything really spectacular, I may just run off a page – for the web only.

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Created Date: 12-08-2010