Upper Tas Valley Benefice - Church Services during the Pandemic

Written by Revd Lydia Avery, Upper Tas Valley Benefice.

During the Covid-19 restrictions our church services and activities are being offered in a different way. There are measures in place in the churches to keep visitors and congregation members as safe as possible - everyone is asked to follow them.

Service or activity


Morning Prayer

9.30am (for 20 minutes) Monday – Wednesday – on Zoom (online and by phone)

Evening Prayer

5.30pm (for 15 minutes) Monday – Wednesday – on Zoom (online and by phone)

Holy Communion

9.30am every Thursday at All Saints, Ashwellthorpe

Holy Communion

9.30am every Sunday at St Mary’s, Forncett St Mary

Morning Worship

11.00am (followed by coffee) every Sunday – online and by phone via Zoom

Private Prayer

10am-4pm Daily – All Saints, Wreningham

Private Prayer

10am-4pm Saturday – All Saints, Tacolneston

Private Prayer

10am-4pm Sunday – St Nicholas, Fundenhall

Grave Talk

11am Tuesday – an opportunity to meet for a light touch Café style discussion about the things that are important to us, about things like heaven, and what we think about funerals – online and by phone via Zoom

Prayer Group

2pm Tuesday – join others to pray for half an hour about things, people and events that matter – on Zoom by phone and online

If you would like to participate in any of the above, you will be extremely welcome. Just get in touch for the simple joining instructions for Zoom services and activities 01953 788227 or  

Up to date with services, events, and developments can be found on the Upper Tas Valley Benefice Pages on www.achurchnearyou.org 

Revd Lydia Avery