Tuesday, 17 October 2023 19:00 – 21:00
Location: Forncett St Peter Church
Category: Friends of St Peter's

Come along to our AGM for an update on the project to save St Peter's - we'll be meeting in the church with a glass of wine, so wrap up warm and bring a torch to light your way down the drive at the end of the evening. After the formal part of the meeting, which should probably take around 30 mins, Mike Merrick will give an illustrated talk - “St. Peter’s – A Church of Stories”.  Mike will tell four “stories” that relate directly to St. Peters. The talk should last around 45 mins at most. So, if any of you are interested in the history of St. Peters church, and more specifically, of some of the people who worshipped there, then please come along and join the Friends.  Everyone is welcome - you may find you'd like to become a Friend!  It's free.