Building for the Future
Good news in our progress with the repairs to St Peter’s: the emergency work to make the church watertight was completed just before Christmas. This is a stop-gap to reposition slipped slates and manage the worst damage to lead work, gutters and down pipes. Additional temporary pipe work has been added to carry the rainwater away from the building until surface drains are repaired.
The main work, re-roofing and renovation, will only be possible when we have raised more money. To make a bid to the National Lottery Heritage Fund we need to have raised about £25,000 (at least 5% of the total needed). A combination of donations, fund raising and grants from other bodies will help us reach this target. [NB Since this was posted building costs have been re-evaluated with our Project Architect and the contribution prior to NLHF application is now £50,000].
The Diocesan Advisory Council will have visited the church by the time this is published to advise on the thorny issues of access to the site, especially during building works, and the possible location of a kitchen and toilet, all to be in keeping with the Grade 1 listed status of the church.
A Cheese and Wine party hosted by Sandy Barnes was our first social fund raising event. The maximum possible attendance at this was 40 and this number was easily reached. There was a veritable feast of different cheeses, dips, biscuits and fruit. We enjoyed wine and friendly conversation in a lovely setting. Thank you to our perfect hostess who was ably assisted by the younger generation, Chloe, Bradley, Lizz and Millie, who helped to sell raffle tickets and more importantly, to wash-up!
Funds were also raised by the sale of some beautiful Christmas cards designed by Sarah Allen who generously donated the proceeds to our steadily growing fund.
New ideas for events are always welcome. If you are able to help in any way please contact the church warden, Gilly Barnes –
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Photo: D Kirk - Visit by members of the Diocesan Advisory Council
Photo: A Carlin - Cheese and Wine Fund-Raiser Feast
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