Security System needed for St Peter's Church
In July this year St. Peter’s Church suffered a significant lead theft from its roof. The thieves were never apprehended.
Since then, after much investigation by the PCC and Churchwardens it was agreed that a ‘State of the art’ alarm should be installed. The system consists of sensors, alarms, recorded warnings and Strobe lighting. Should the alarms be activated the emergency security services will automatically be alerted and within minutes be at the Church.
There are lead alternatives but these do not have the longevity of lead neither are they as pleasing aesthetically.
We had hoped to update the heating in the St.Peter’s but to comply with the Church Insurer’s conditions and to protect this beautiful and ancient building for the community we have no choice but to proceed with the security arrangements. This is an expensive venture.
Contribution towards this community project will be gratefully received,
please contact Susie Rohde, Churchwarden, on 01508 489 363 or 07762 727 539 or
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