Introduction - St Mary's Church

Written by Super User.

Forncett-St-Mary-2008Jun27St. Mary's church is mentioned in the Domesday Book, and was built on the original site of Forncett. The Nave is probably 13th or 14th Century, the Tower 15th Century, and the Nave originally had a thatched roof. The church was restored by Revd J.Cooper 1869 -1870. In 1980 a decision was taken to close St. Mary's, due to falling numbers in the congregation, and the furnishings were stripped out. There were many schemes for the church over the next few years, but it was eventually allowed to become overgrown and derelict.

In 2007, new neighbours moved into Church Cottage, and began clearing the graveyard, and cleaning the church. A successful Friends group was formed, and fund-raising began to restore electricity, replace rotten floors and side panelling, and some of the stained glass windows, and a local retired carpenter made an altar table and rails.

In June 2012 the church was taken out of redundancy, with the full support of the PCC, the Diocese and the Bishops of Norwich and Thetford, and became a Chapel of Ease to St. Peter's Church. A successful bid for English Heritage Grant funding was made, and in Spring 2014 the remaining restoration work will be carried out.The church is ideal for holding community events as well as Services, and is open every day 10a.m. - 4p.m. for visitors.