Forncett Flyer November 2014


Forncett Flyer November 2014

‘It's goodbye from him and it's goodbye from her’ this month. Forncett is the poorer for losing Drs Willis and Kestin, and I make no apology for the rather orange front page – again! I did however tone it down a bit, so I hope the pink version pleases all.

I have introduced the concept of a photo gallery on the back page as that is where I tend to put all the colour pix relating to articles on b/w pages, keep a close eye on the little tiny faces at the top as they will change occasionally and you may find yourself featured. Only one person has lamented the lack of the diary dates column, so I sent her a list of her own. If you want it back email me at with the words ‘bring it back’ and I will.

The Parish Council want your views on paying extra for gritting the roads; read it on page 6 and comment at . Bonfires are given the once over on page 9, and there’s logs for sale too. Two new approved ticks this month, one for Mike and Jan Smail (p 10) for excellent catering, and the other for Reeder Timber (p 7) for chopping my tree down efficiently.

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Created Date: 12-11-2014