Forncett Flyer November 2010


Forncett Flyer November 2010

November is almost upon us, and we have a host of autumnal events; the Harvest Supper and the Diggers & Dibblers ‘Tools-Down’ meal are both included here – even though our tools will be reactivated later this month on Planting Day; 400 trees and shrubs from the Woodland Trust are to be planted around the Village Hall. There is a sneak preview of Forncett St Mary’s church calendar, a reminder about ordering the Christmas turkey, and a date for the Christmas whist drive. John Webster takes us back to a time to when there were no credit cards or welfare state, to the workhouses and the branding of vagrants. Forncett St Peter church is to be on BBC, and the now famous Railway Ron relates a sad story of tragedy. And finally, but by no means least of all, there is a piece from Canon David Winter, former Head of Religious Broadcasting, BBC suggesting appropriate thoughts to dwell on during the two silent minutes on Remembrance Sunday, and a poem to make you stop and think.

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Created Date: 12-11-2010